World Food Safety Day



Jun. 6 2024

As the world prepares to commemorate World Food Safety Day on June 7th, 2024, Laure-Anne Mathieu, Global Food Audit Manager at Bureau Veritas, sheds light on the critical imperative of ensuring the safety and integrity of the global food system. 

Each year, a staggering 600 million people – approximately one-tenth of the world's population – fall ill due to contaminated food, leading to an estimated 420,000 deaths. The economic impact is equally sobering, with foodborne illnesses costing middle- and low-income countries up to £88 billion annually. Even in the European Union, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reports thousands of cases each year, with the numbers on the rise. 

In this context, World Food Safety Day takes on a profound significance, serving as a rallying call to raise awareness and drive collective action. Established by the United Nations in 2018, this observance aims to promote best practices, foster cooperation among stakeholders, and prevent the devastating consequences of foodborne diseases. By protecting public health, enhancing safe and consistent access to food, and contributing to economic development, World Food Safety Day is a vital cornerstone in safeguarding the global food supply. 

According to Laure-Anne Mathieu, food safety is not merely a public health concern, but a strategic imperative that extends beyond individual well-being. Foodborne illnesses can lead to costly product recalls and severe brand damage, undermining consumer trust and loyalty. "Transparency and traceability in the food supply chain are pivotal in rebuilding this trust," she emphasises. "By implementing rigorous safety procedures and providing clear information about food origins and handling, businesses can reassure customers about the safety and quality of their products." 

As the agri-food industry continues to innovate, with the introduction of alternative proteins, new manufacturing methods, and evolving packaging solutions, the need for robust and adaptable food safety standards has never been more pressing. "Food safety norms must evolve alongside the industry to ensure maximum protection for end consumers," explains Laure-Anne Mathieu. "Comprehensive standards like the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the European Union's General Food Law Regulation play a crucial role in upholding exacting safety requirements across the supply chain." 

Beyond regulatory frameworks, technological advancements are transforming the landscape of food safety. Rapid testing methods, blockchain traceability, and AI-powered analytics are empowering organisations to identify potential hazards, streamline inspection processes, and drive continuous improvement. "These innovations hold the promise of further enhancing food safety, strengthening consumer protection, and promoting sustainability throughout the industry," says Laure-Anne Mathieu. 

As a global leader in testing, inspection, and certification services, Bureau Veritas is committed to supporting organisations across the food industry in meeting the highest safety and quality standards. "In the face of a complex, globalised supply chain and an ever-evolving regulatory landscape, we provide our clients with the tools and expertise needed to uphold food safety, gain market access, and fulfil their compliance requirements," Laure-Anne Mathieu affirms. 

As the world celebrates World Food Safety Day 2024, Bureau Veritas' unwavering dedication to safeguarding the global food supply serves as a testament to its role in protecting public health, fostering consumer trust, and shaping a sustainable future for the industry.